an arrow pointing to top left corner
all big background logo picture
Famous Pearl girl image repainted in a modern manner big picture

Girl with a Pearl

No. 30844
box symbol

35 x 25 x 5 cm

13,8 x 9,8 x 1,9 in

puzzle symbol

50 x 70 cm

19,7 x 27,6 in

single puzzle piece symbol

2,2 mm

0,087 in

picture of 'Girl with a Pearl' product box
closeup picture of some of the details in Girl with a Pearl product closeup picture of some of the details in Girl with a Pearl product closeup picture of some of the details in Girl with a Pearl product closeup picture of some of the details in Girl with a Pearl product
In a modern twist, a girl with a pearl earring, dons stylish sunglasses. This playful rendition blends timeless elegance with contemporary flair, creating a unique fusion of past and present

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